Booty Call Gone Bad

Sunday School

Sunday mornings at 10:00am

Aug. 04, 2024


Series: AFTER GOD’S OWN HEART      8-04-24

Booty Call Gone Bad

- 2 Samuel 11 - –


It was now spring, the time when kings go to war. David sent out the whole Israelite army under the command of Joab and his officers. They destroyed the Ammonite army and surrounded the capital city of Rabbah, but David stayed in Jerusalem.


Late one afternoon, David got up from a nap and was walking around on the flat roof of his palace. A beautiful young woman was down below in her courtyard, bathing as her religion required. David happened to see her, and he sent one of his servants to find out who she was.


The servant came back and told David, “Her name is Bathsheba. She is the daughter of Eliam, and she is the wife of Uriah the Hittite.”


David sent some messengers to bring her to his palace. She came to him, and he slept with her. Then she returned home. But later, when she found out that she was going to have a baby, she sent someone to David with this message: “I'm pregnant!” 


- 2 Samuel 11:1-5 CEV

- HOW TO -



1 My son, if you listen closely to my wisdom and good sense, 2 you will have sound judgment, and you will always know the right thing to say.

3 The words of an immoral woman may be as sweet as honey and as smooth as olive oil.

4 But all that you really get from being with her is bitter poison and pain.

5 If you follow her, she will lead you down to the world of the dead.

6 She has missed the path that leads to life and doesn't even know it.

7 My son, listen to me and do everything I say.

8 Stay away from a bad woman! Don't even go near the door of her house.

9 You will lose your self-respect and end up in debt to some cruel person for the rest of your life.

10 Strangers will get your money and everything else you have worked for.

11 When it's all over, your body will waste away, as you groan 12 and shout, “I hated advice and correction!

13 I paid no attention to my teachers, 14 and now I am disgraced in front of everyone.”

15 You should be faithful to your wife, just as you take water from your own well.

16 And don't be like a stream from which just any woman may take a drink.

17 Save yourself for your wife and don't have sex with other women.

18 Be happy with the wife you married when you were young.

19 She is beautiful and graceful, just like a deer; you should be attracted to her and stay deeply in love.

20 Don't go crazy over a woman who is unfaithful to her own husband!

21 The Lord sees everything, and he watches us closely.

22 Sinners are trapped and caught by their own evil deeds.

23 They get lost and die because of their foolishness and lack of self-control. 

- Proverbs 5:1-23 CEV




Run from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body

1 Corinthians 6:18 NLT


  1. David’s sin results in _______________




Then David confessed to Nathan, “I have sinned against the Lord.”


Nathan replied, “Yes, but the Lord has forgiven you, and you won’t die for this sin. Nevertheless, because you have shown utter contempt for the word of the Lord by doing this, your child will die.” 

2 Samuel 12:13-14 NLT


  1. David’s sin results in _______________




From this time on, your family will live by the sword because you have despised me by taking Uriah’s wife to be your own. “This is what the Lord says: Because of what you have done, I will cause your own household to rebel against you. – 2 Samuel 12:10-11a NLT


  1. David’s sin is _______________________




I will give your wives to another man before your very eyes, and he will go to bed with them in public view. You did it secretly, but I will make this happen to you openly in the sight of all Israel.” 

2 Samuel 12:11b-12 NLT


“Sin will take you farther than you wanted to go, keep you longer than you wanted to stay, and cost you more than you wanted to pay.”


W ___________________________________


make it your instruction manual for        living (vs. 1-7, 9-17, 20, 22-23)


Everything in the Scriptures is God's Word. All of it is useful for teaching and helping people and for correcting them and showing them how to live. The Scriptures train God's servants to do all kinds of good deeds. – 2 Timothy 3:16-17 CEV


Above all, be careful what you think because your thoughts control your life. – Proverbs 4:23 ERV


Don't be like the people of this world, but let God change the way you think. Then you will know how to do everything that is good and pleasing to him. – Romans 12:2 CEV


O ____________________________________       


to your marriage (vs. 8-9)

Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. 

Ephesians 5:21 NIV


Never act from motives of rivalry or personal vanity, but in humility think more of each other than you do of yourselves. None of you should think only of his own affairs, but should learn to see things from other people’s point of view. – Philippians 2:3 PHILLIPS


______________________________ (vs. 8)


When I want to do good, I don’t; and when I try not to do wrong, I do it anyway. – Romans 7:19 TLB





all our secrets (vs. 21)


He knows about everyone, everywhere. Everything about us is bare and wide open to the all-seeing eyes of our living God; nothing can be hidden from him to whom we must explain all that we have done. 

Hebrews 4:13 TLB



a healthy marriage takes work. For best results, put in effort _________________ there are problems.