
Sunday School

Sunday mornings at 10:00am

Missions at SCC


Through Simi Community Church Missions our goal is to engage people worldwide to meet, know and follow Jesus. SCC Missions is people. People who are willing to make themselves available to go where God may lead them to make a difference in the world and by supporting those missionaries who are already serving around the world. At Simi Community we believe that God loves the world, and we should show that love. SCC Missions is not a program, it is a movement, with 10 ministry partners in 7 countries. SCC Missions is you, and it is an opportunity for you to be involved in what God is doing around the world!


If you would like to join our Missions Team or need more information about SCC Missions,

please contact Tamara Lott at awana@simicommunity.com

  Missionary of the Month

Please watch this video of our 2024 trip

April 5-7, Simi Community Church sent a team of 19 people to build a house for a family living in poverty in Ensenada. Not only did this family receive a new home, but 7-year-old Iker (who has cerebral palsy) received a wheelchair, and 14-year-old Silvia received glasses. Because she had very poor vision she was never taught how to read, but now her church is providing a tutor so she will finally have the opportunity. God is soooooo good to go beyond our wildest dreams to bring hope and a bright future to this incredible family. To God be the glory!

Meet our missionaries

Belen Olivas

  • Pastor
  • Reaching out to the destitute
  • Church Planting

Tim Nash
Converge Worldwide/Mexico                                   
  • Christian Development
  • Ministry/Leadership Development
  • Outreach to the Kumiai Tribe
Join the “Kumiai Prayer Support” Facebook Group to pray more specifically. For more information or to donate, please contact nashcdc@gmail.com.

Paul and Margie Varberg
First Love International Ministries/Philippines
  • Evangelism to Waray People
  • Waray Bible Translation
  • Training and Mentoring Pastors
  • Bethel International School

For more information or to donate, please contact paulvarberg@gmail.com.


Xhentil and Victoria Kora


Open air Campaigners/Albania

  • Ministering to the surrounding villages
  • Children/Youth Ministry
  • Discipleship

For more information or to donate, please contact vfroberts1@gmail.com 

Connor and Bethany Lott
Sowers International/Nationally
  • Discipleship/Evangelism
  • Music Production
  • Mentorship
  • Mormon Ministry

For more information or to donate, please contact connorlott4@gmail.com

Chris and Terri Chapman

Greater Europe Mission and SIL International/Colorado and Globally
  • Chris - Administrative support for GEM
  • Terri - Director of the SIL International Global Sign Languages Team

For more information or to donate, please contact  chris.chapman@gemmission.org.

Jimmy and Erin (last name withheld)
Sienna, Seth, Nathan and Benjamin in picture           
Name of organization withheld - South Asia
  • Church planting
  • Evangelism
  • Training and Discipleship
  • Bible Translation
  • Media ministry

For more information or to donate, please contact the church office 


One Child/Honduras

Rigoberto is being supported through our missions budget, and we are able to write him and receive letters from him.  It’s exciting to be making a difference in this young man’s life!


Doug and Denise (last name withheld)
Name of organization withheld/Colorado and Russia
  • Regional Leader for Eurasia Missional Enterprises
  • National Training
  • Coordinator, Trainer, Recruiter for short-term mission trips to Eurasia

For more information or to donate, please contact dwink53564@aol.com.


Chad and Fabiola Wolyn
Rebecca, Justice, and Beniah in picture*
World Impact/Inner City Los Angeles
  • Evangelism
  • Church Planting Training and Equipping
  • Leaders Church Plant School
  • Trauma Healing Classes

For more information or to donate, please contact cwolyn@worldimpact.org.

Brennon Boggio
Sowers International/Greater Los Angeles and Ventura Counties
  • Ministry to Mormons
  • Brochures for Mormon Evangelism
  • Campus Ministry
For more information or to donate, please contact btriple1789@gmail.com