Women's Ministry

Sunday School

Sunday mornings at 10:00am

prayer & Wisdom shower

Please join us on Sunday, April 7, 2024, in the office building lobby for a Prayer & Wisdom Shower for Haley Carranza as she prepares to join her husband, Manny, to be stationed in Georgia at the end of his 8 month deployment.

Following our time of prayer, we will have cookies, coffee, and punch.

All women are invited and encouraged to attend.

Feel free to bring a batch of your favorite cookies to share, if you want to.

You can sign up in the auditorium lobby or by emailing georgia@simicommunity.com

Share & Prayer Potluck

All women are encouraged to join us Friday, March 8, 2024 in Room 4 for a time of sharing, praying, and laughing.

We will talk about what our primary ministry is and what other ministering God has called each of us to join Him in.

Sign ups in the auditorium lobby or email georgia@simicommunity.com

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New Year's day interactive prayer walk

Start the New Year off right by taking part in this self-paced, self-led, interactive prayer walk around our church campus on January 1, 2024, any time between dawn and dusk.

Lift up our congregation, our community, our leaders, your family, and more, as you walk from station to station around our campus, surrounding our church home with prayer.

You may start any time between dawn and dusk and complete the walk at your own pace. 

Walk by yourself, or with friends, family, or neighbors. Feel free to push your small children in a stroller, or to have your big children push you in a stroller. 

This event is open to everyone, so be sure to invite your neighbors, your friends, and your family to participate. 

Questions? email georgia@simicommunity.com

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making dinners for the samaritan center

We have the opportunity to make dinners for those in need who live in our community ever fourth Tuesday of each month. Meal items will be made in advance and brought to the site where a small group of ladies will put the meals together in to-go boxes that are then served by the staff to the patrons of the Samaritan Center. There will be a variety of ways to help with this endeavor (ex. making food, supplying items, packaging boxes, etc.).  You can sign up online, or at the Welcome Center on Sundays! 

sign up here

Women's Weekly Bible Study

Join us each Wednesday Starting February 7th 


Mornings: 9:30AM - 11:00AM (Room 4)

Evenings: 6:30PM - 8:00PM (Downstairs Conference Room)

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